Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Poetic Movie Review of Lego Batman

Lego Batman is a wonder
Should probably change his name to Thundaar
The strangest thing
Are not the villains or reference to the ring
Rather it is this sad side of Batman
Showing that he is a sad man
He's always been tough
Always liked to play rough
But this version, this thought
Has shown something other Batmen have forgot
Bruce was once a child
He wasn't always this hero who was wild
The jokes are layered maybe too thick
But they're all good, take your pick
Yet, imagining the movie with the hilarity
And I can see vividly
That this movie
Has something to say about family
Sure, it is the same as most animation
But he's Batman, check his motivation
This may not be as good as the first Lego
But it is better than Batman and Robin, I would know
The fluidity of smart to sad
The villains who are both happy and bad
They all show a range, never before seen
Can we hire Zach for the silver screen?
All and all, this is a start
To a year with movies with heart
It proves once again
It proves that plastic Lego
Has more range than Jared Leto
With this all in mind
This movie gets a 4 out of 5

Monday, February 27, 2017

Dr. Hounchell's Theory of Life and Everything: Value

Today's topic is value.

Rather then in the sense of a banana being worth a certain amount or value like honesty.

This topic is actually about the value of friendship. There is something 100% invaluable about people who understand your breed of crazy. Perhaps you aren't that insane as compared to most of the other people you know. If that is that case, I am very happy for you.

Most people have an amount of crazy that they have to deal with. By having people who understand your particular brand of crazy, you never have to worry about people not understanding you. That's why all of my friends need to beable to recite every word in Russian in reverse alphabetical order.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Poetic Movie Review of Resident Evil 6

Hello, it's AM in the PM. Here to read you another poetic movie review. This ones of Resident Evil: The Final Chapter Just For You

The Final Chapter
The Title itself induces laughter
Even ends itself on a semi-cliffhanger
It is generic to say the least
Makes Nine Lives
Seem like a Nine Course Feast
Though it gets points for originality
It is docked for the protagonists invincibility
It loses points here and there
For jump scares without fear
It goes through the motions, which is fine
I didn’t expect it to be the best of its kind
Still, it seems so drawn out
Sometimes, I wonder if I know what it’s about
The movie feels without light
Making the CGI look “right”
There’s never any real danger or suspense
Everything is artificially tense
The characters, their thoughts
The past movie drop spots
To the point that they feel like robots
Though filled with action
It’s just a distraction
From a bare bones plot
And what amounts to a joke
In the end though, it has a surprise
A twist before my very eyes
Interesting, not enough to redeem
Almost like it was all a dream
It’s premise it now outlast
Still a nice homage to better movies in the past
With this all in mind
This movie gets a quarter out of five

Now, it's time for a movie haiku,

A movie with heart
A stranded man and a corpse
And a hell of farts

You know I'm always here for you in the nighttime, this AM in the PM signing off.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Timelessness: Poem

Time contracts
Timed contracts
Spherical world
Linear girl
Move forward
But not background
Can time go on
Pros and cons?
Did time every start
Was their ever a beating heart
Or was it present
At all
Can I ever feel it
Beyond falling through it
Will I ever know it's strange bounds
Or will I be land locked to my ground
Whose to say?
What could I do definitely
Take a moment
Breathe in the present
As long as it lasts
Someday, this will be the past.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Dr. Hounchell's Theory of Life and Everything: Extroverts and introverts

Electromagnetism is everywhere and it is stronger than gravity. It is emitted front our body and my body, and even just the molecules in the air. Different elements emmit different amount of electricity.

Thus, in theory different organisms may as well, as in different humans even. As such, my theory is that Extroverts can actually pull the electromagnetism from introverts. As if consuming it as an energy source.uch like a heat source excited electron and causes a release of energy.

This would both explain, why introverts feel "drained" around Extroverts, while also explaining sudden spikes of energy from extroverts while around other people.

You now know a thing.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Poem: Stars

Beyond the stars
Where they've said I cannot go
The gears tick
And time slows
I reach
And I seek
For a bit of star dust
Hands of truck rust
I care to leave
Roll up my sleeves
Feel the cold breeze
Am I from Alaska
Perhaps in a life before
But I cannot feel the cold
Even to my core
My life is frost
My childhood lost
I continue to run hot
Overclocked robot
I need the paralysis
To feel as though I exist
I clench my fist
Not from anger
But from joy
I'll face my life
Breath by breath
Run until I'm out of breath
When everyone goes right
I'll take my left.
Even in darkness
I'll find my nest

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

A Crime of Passion

Use language to create a product that does not exist.

Such as wisdom of sales and money management. Charge a low enough amount of money, so that people will not get upset when you give them nothing.

When someone buys your product, tell them that they shouldn't buy products that they didn't know what they were. Got it. You will make an amount of money very quickly.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Original Sentence about Blankets

1. A snow blanket covered the basketball court, and he basketballs slept the night of the leprechaun attack.

2. Lapercauns, using blankets covered their baby bombs and trekked over to the sleeping basket balls, waiting to eat their basket heads.

3. The Drems covered their heads with a smell that blanketed everything in the entire world, feeling like it was a strawberry covered in grease.

4. The goblin king blanketed everything he touched with tiny wash cloth shaped blankets covered in pigs grease, or pigs covered in the movie grease.

5. A blanket is not armor, nor is it a mechanism to create heat, instead it traps the power you have on your own.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Mayo Of Burgah Tahown: The Final Chapter

I am there Mayo of Burgah Tahown
I make sure the Burgah never frown
I stop by a lemonaid stand
To help Little Susie Lemon Head
Want some lemonaid
Through sun, my day is made
"Yes, cheese," I say to her.
Here in my Tahown
No one will Frown
Not Stephen the Onion
No, we will have fun
We eat potato chips from the walls
Well throw tomatoes as baseball's
We'll run through mud
Or chocolate sand
Will fell the the brisket wind through our hands
Not Kim the Leak
No, we'll play hind and seek
Find the Onion
Have your fun, hun
This is always the best thing
To hear the taco Bell ring
Have fun, and never frown
Look to the sky, and not the ground
Because I'm the Mayo of Burgah Tahown

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Wacky and Brilliant Invention

This invention will make you a bazillionair in 3 minutes flat.

The plan? It is a smart board of some kind with light based screen thingy majigger and you attach a piece of equipment to your index finger that allows you to write with your finger and basically allows you to think aloud on paper.

You are welcome humanity.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Poetic Movie Review of Grown Ups

The title is ironic
The movie semi-Moronic
About grown adults
With childish faults
Who make fart jokes
And make fun of people who choke
It isn't saved by Spade's humor
And still comes out a Sandler Tumor
It isnt smart or ethical
Most of the situations are hypothetical
He overarching plot
Felt like a second thought
As Sandler must have said
We can't do nothing and get paid
Let's put together a charade
This is the conclusion
To that half wit delusion
It plays to the simpler minds
Finding a single track
Which is fine
There truly is nothing worse or equal
At least not until the sequel
With that in mind
And a reputation on the line
I give this movie a .1 out of five

Friday, February 17, 2017

Dr. hounchell's Theory of Life and everything: Pencil

This is Dr. Hounchell's Theory of Life and Everything, today's topic, pencils.

Pencils are a tool of destruction. Being that they are made of wood, and they write on paper from trees. A pencil has a hard time writing on much less, so obviously people who use pencils hate trees.

And they are filled with graphite from the ground. So pencils were clearly put here by the Devil. Or something.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Time Goes On

Ticking by the moment
I've never noticed yet
The feeling that I get
As time keeps on
The changes in my face, visible at times
Showing the cracks of regret
The scars of my crimes
I change little by little
Like a piece of fleshy wood, I'm wittled
Down to the core of myself
The foundation of my race
The star dust from space
Even as I write this
Time continues to exist
It moves on
Forward through dawn
I can't stop it, maybe no one can
But I'm on of few whose a fan
Time moves forward
Even when we do not
Very little time goes by
To act on a thought
Because a moment
Is almost nothing more
Then a notch one a clock
An a hesitant knock
On death's door

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Writing Excercise Plan Ahead

Take something that sounds crazy. Any conspiracy theory. Any piece of witch craft or unexplained phenomenon. Now, just give them a reasonable explination. Put yourself in other people's shoes for like a second.

Once you do this, you may have granted yoursepf access to a different way of thinking.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

This is NOT a Valentine's Day Post

Well, you read it at the beginning. This isn't a Valentine's Day post. This is actually a list-megaddon post about my top 10 favorite holidays.

1. Thanksgiving.
It has clearly always been the best. It is more sociable and family oriented than almost all the other holidays.

2. Leaf Erikson Day
SpongeBob, nuff said.

When I can make my outside amtch my inside, even if my inside is a candy based vampire monster.c

4. Customer Appreciation day at Wal-Mart
I can wonder about drinking soda in a store. It is perfect.

5. Wednesday.
It has the best Twitter hashtags.

6. Christmas
I can ask for a helicopter and no one judges me too harshly.

7. The last Day of School
I get to listen to Schools Out by Alice Cooper non ironically.

8. July 4th
Barbaque season has begun at the hard core level.

9. Easter
They play Hop on TV and Hop is a masterpiece.

10. Tomorrow
Anything could happen tomorrow, so I've covered by bases.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Crime of Potato Passion

No time is the wrong time of the right crime. Pick the moment and then use that as your ideal.

Now this crime involves some ingenuity. It is not again the law, probably. You might want to look into that, because I'm not responsible for your jail time.

First you'll have to invest some capital. Into having some fake potato chips bags printed. Then you are going to want to fill them with potato chip smelling nitrogen rich air.

From here, all you have to do is sell them for slightly less than a bag of chips as a political statement. You are now making money from no chips.

Instant millionaire.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Geology Professor Poem

Profess your geological inspiration
Take a look at the dirt of your nation
Grow the minds of the young
With the water that you've wrung
The sun overhead
Worry not of the dead
Under the ground
With stories around
Dust in the wind
Emails you've sent
Continue to help them achieve
Continue to dig deep and believe
Look into he darkness of the earth
See what history gets birthed
Run along the edges of the lake
Be amazing for students sake
A raptor set in stone
Remind these young adults
They are never along

Saturday, February 11, 2017

The 10 Rules of Tic Tacs

Tic Tacs are delicious, but seems a select few individuals do not understand the 10 core rules.

1. Do not offer someone a tic tac and say, "because your breath is bad." or any version of that sentence. Instead, say something like,
"I thought you might like one of these"

2. If someone says take a tic tac, try very hard to take only one.

3. If you are to accidentally take two or three tic tac, please do not put them back into the box, you have offered your germs a nesting ground and no one wants a nesting ground for germs.

4. First suck on tic tac, then chew. No barbaric crunching of rocks, please.

5. Make sure your tic tac box is secured in your pocket, or you may be rattling around during a funeral.

6. Never mix tic tac, just because the world demands it.

7. A tic tac is a weapon when put in a straw, so eep that in mind.

8. There can never be too many tic tacs in your mouth. Granted there can indeed be too many in your throat.

9. If you eat a tic tac by a group of people that is less than four people, you are obligated to offer each of them a tic tac, but if it is four or more people, you do not and should not offer them one.

10. When you talk with a tic tac in your mouth put it under your tongue, no one wants to see that weird dying sugar egg.

Friday, February 10, 2017

5 Original Sentences about Antelope

1. An antelope could fly if he only and thumbs and access to an airplane that accommodated an antelope.

2. Once gathered, 30 antelopes in a semi-circle can tough all of their horns together and create a mass of light that summons Gartypole.

3. Frank, the one true antelope, wandered the Earth in search of the perfect taco truck, but they had all been destroyed by the robot crabs.

4. The war between the vampire wombats and the space antelope continued to rage forward, like the heat of at leave 37 oranges.

5. On giant planet, there is no metal, so instead they first antelopes from heir guns.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Dr. Hounchell's Theory of Life and Everything: Interent

Today's topic is the internet.

Where is the internet? Like where is it's central location. I know this seems irrelevant, because it is. What I really want to know is where it exists and how I get there. I understand how the internet works, or do I?

These are a few of my questions. Questions that continue to be unanswered. Honestly though, the biggest question seems to be if the internet is ever present in our lives, does that mean that the data is constantly being streamed through us.

If the data travels through physical space, does that mean it is in the air on the ground and in my body. And if all of these things are true, and part of the internet is passing through me at all times, is it possible that is the source of everyone's internet addiction.

If someone followed you everywhere and continued to scream, "Eat soup." at you, I'm sure that eventually you would eat soup, just to make the person stop shouting. The same can be true abut the internet, we need to continue to consume it or it will bombard our non-internet ridden cells.

Think about it, or don't? But it is possible, and it is crazy.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Poetic Review of Groundhog Day

Time without limit
A man, not timid
He was a jerk
But 30+ years can hurt
A journalist, if you care
But what matters is where
At groundhog day
But but everyday
Played by Bill Murray
In an Iconic Role
About a man, a groundhog, and no mole
The joys of repetition
And time dialtion
No consequence
Just continue
The pacing is done in such way
We don't know how long he's lived this day
He'd jaded by living his life
Even tries to make someone his wife
A dry delivery
In snowy contemporary
It turns out that Phil does
Have time powers in his paws
With all of this in mind
4 out of 5

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Success Poem

Success is a constant contest
To make life suck less
From one side you must juggle
Tarnished time and being mortal
And the other side
Feeling like you cannot die
While also staring death in the eye
It's about balance
Between attack and defense
Attack being your drive
Defense being your couch
You must never stop breathing
Remember to keep eating
Stay on your toes
Know when to stop
When to go
Success is strived for and caught
You can try, but it cannot be bought
It is a bridge between happiness and regret
Something you truly cannot forget
Continue chasing the tales of your dreams
Even if you have to roll up your sleeves.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Personal Ice: Wacky Invention

This invention is simple. We all have phones, of the most part. We all have had bad breath, but how might we combine these two things, so that we may not worry.

Never fear about your bad breath again. With the patent pending to be pending concept, Personal Ice.

All we do is use adhesive to combine the power of breath strips to your phone. That way if you can feel the tingle of garlic, you can nip it in the bud.

Am I a genius? No, but this will change your life.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Running out of Time 2: Sample

Epilogue One
Never Apologize

“A tale can start and end in a literal blink of an eye. Go ahead and blink, I’ll wait.” Blink! “Time and Space are in battle. 36,872 blinks later. Time and Space are dead. As bad as it is, sometimes sad is the way that things have be.
In conclusion, Lord of the Flies is about how it doesn’t need a sequel, just like Running out of Time 2: Running Towards the Lime,” Good ole Billy said. He took his seat amongst his peers as a sea of murmurs washed over him.
“As interesting as that long winded speech was, I’m afraid to tell you that it was suppose to be about workplace safety,” CEO Bossman said.
Billy gestured to his powerpoint which had been a single slide. DO NOT? It was all he had prepared.
“Yes, but what does it mean?” CEO Bossman asked.
“Do orangutans need orange tang? That’s really the only safe question worth asking,” Bill said with a smile.
“And what does that mean?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” The entire room of the Board Members of Nuclear Spider Doomsday Awareness and Containment shook their collective hive mind. “I’ve always got to do the extra work around here.”
“Only when you don’t do the work that was actually assigned to you,”CEO  Bossman said.  
“It means question what doesn’t make sense. Of course orangutans need orange tang. Tang is delicious.” The room itself seemed even more confused. Behind Billy, the first glimpses of green glowing spider legs were peaking around the corner of the building.
“And?” CEO Bossman asked.
“Remember when Emile said, ‘if it is real to you, it is real enough?’”
“Then it is simple. All we have to do is just believe things will get better. That belief causes action which causes a reaction which causes people to react which causes a chain-reaction which causes a realization which causes a direct belief reality relation which causes time dilation which changes things through good vibrations.”
“You lost us,” the hive mind said.
“And me.”
“And me.”
“Me too.”
“I’m saying that if you believe that things can change, that belief itself may change something,” Billy said. Beyond the window giant green glowing nuclear doomsday spiders were obliterating the city.
“What do you propose we do?”
“Just believe that there could be more story,” Bill said. One of the the other employees tugged on CEO Bossman’s premium suit sleeve.
“Not now!” CEO Bossman said.
The employee rotated CEO Bossman’s head until he could see outside the window. The giant green nuclear doomsday spiders were charging their unstoppable super breath, and they were facing the building.
“Sir, We are Running out of Time!”
“Exactly!” Bill screamed.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Mayo, I tell you a story?

This week on prime time for crime time, I suggest that you ignore health code violations at your own risk. I don't condone breaking the law, this is satire.

Regardless, mayo packets. There's never enough of them, never. So, what I suggest is that you take a tube of mayo to every restaurant you go to, so that you can sell squirts of mayo.

Doesn't sound like a horrible crime? Does it? Is it a crime to want people to enjoy their sandwich? It isn't.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Dr. Hounchell's Theory of Life and Everything: Tea

Today's topic is Tea, like the drink.

While sipping from a glass of pure leaf tea, I noticed there was a tagline: Real Brewed Tea.

Which made me wonder if there was fake tea? I understand that the real is modifying the brewed, but this makes it seem like those teas are fake.

Then I thought about it even more Real Tea. Almost sounds like reality. Then I realized even faster that Tea was drank by some of the greatest minds of all time. I sat back thinking of the matrix, which interestingly is a mathematical concept and also contains a t. Actually, math and concept all contain a t. So if there is fake Tea and Real Tea, and I've been drinking real Tea. Is it at all possible that tea allows the drinker to see what is really happening around them.

Tea would be like one of the pills in the matrix, drink it and you can understand what is actually happening. Is that why British people are so smart.

Well, I'm slowly losing my mind, but hey it's just a theory.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Poetic Movie Review of Deadpool: Revised

Shorted the Oscar
He can still be my father
A budget so low
You can see the bottom
Ryan paid out of pocket
An underdog through and through
He is still Dead-Cool
He can't die
Even when shortlisted by hollywood tries
The soundtrack on point and schizophrenic
The references so true and so specific
Flashbacks to the terrible past
Flash forward to that ass
Deadpool is one of a kind
And the Oscars aren't going to change my mind
A foil in Colossus
No one can stop this
Cursing, nudity, and violence
Made dollars when given cents
If I have to make a single case
Stan Lee is a DJ at a strip club
What more do you need?
Go watch this movie and see
It is beautiful and R
But they take that R oh so far
Characters may be flat at times
Just like me and my rhymes
Maybe the plot is generic
But generic comes from perfect
First you must have gold
Then you can make cliches feel old
This is the latter
This is the gold
That being said, and with what I've told
1,000,000 stars out of five
Because this system is staying alive

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Poem Time: The Feeling in my Chest

As feeling this one burns
Burns like the hand in my hand
Control, though possible, won't help
Deciding, is mandatory
Except in moments of strife
Fore I stand at a crossroads
Going both right and wrong
"Help," I scream
It isn't going to help
Just like standing won't
Killer Bees and Quick Sand around
Let them sting or you drowned
Must we be uncivil
Now I see
Often times we forget about the pawns
Put our focus on the King
Quiet neither in the night and day
Rather than silence in every moment
Still, I will not be still
This is a moment of war
Ugly war as I wear purple
Varied principles
Xion is not on the horizon
Yet, I will continue marching
Zen someday reaching my heart

Poetic Movie Review of The Proposal

 There are three types of RomComs There's the ones that are corny The kind that are raunch and porn-y Then there's ones filled with ...