Thursday, March 31, 2016

Let's do a cliché

Now, hear me out? you know those clichés. Well, you can use them to lure your audience into believing they know where the story is going and then pull the rug out from under them. So start a story with something trite and end with a twist of lime.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Dressing For Salad

I saw, lettuce... Let us... Make fridges that look like dressers. Why? Because fridges take up a lot of room in kitchens. Let's free up that space, so that everyone in a household can have their own food supply. And this way you keep less clothes, because some of the dresser is a fridge. And... You can put your pillow in there, because cool pillows are cool.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Poe Tic Just Ice

Poe Tick Just Ice
Looking just nICE
With a tick of Poe
You must know
Poe it, tree grows from one moon
Looking tree like until the noon
Call me a loon
But my ideas will boon
Fill my Poet Tree with a cup of Just Ice
Pour it over my head, only if I ask nice
Chop chop down the Tree
Tumble down
Can you hear that nice sound
Like a clown, you laugh at me
You don'tunder stant my Poet Tree
Fill with Just Ice T
In the shape of a tree.
For thee.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Hot Hot Recipe for all the people who Like it Hot

This shall be an experiment. I shall write a recipe.

Food Stuff!

Some Jalapeño cream cheese
8 large crescents
Apple jam? Butter?
Habanero Almonds (any amount)

Steps and what not!

1. Cook the sausage, in a skillet or on the hood of a car.

2. Unroll the the crescents and spread the cream cheese in there.

3. Put the sausage in the crescents now and roll 'em up tight, because the cream cheese will escape. Or at least try to.

4. Put crescents in over for... 18ish minutes. Or until they look delicious. One will happen.

5. Boil the Applebutter/jam with a bit of water, and the habanero Almonds.

6. Once it is thick like a sauce, fish out  the Almonds and paint it on your crescents.

7. Eat it.

8. Savor it.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Quantumino Bay: April the Fool

    "When do you think she will baack?" Val said. That was the thirteenth time that he had asked me in an hour. I was worried that he was going to keep asking for eternity. We'd only been locked up together for a week, but I was starting to feel like an even stiffer drink. I tugged at my red hair and bit my lower lip.
    "Val, I'm not sure if she is ever coming back." Then as I expected, he began to cry. I think finally he became aware that he was single. "There there."
    My warm comfort manifested itself as an explosion in the distance. "Always the ffirst oneto show up. "Were about to leave." Another explosive went off and the door to our cell block fell. Before it hit the ground, April slipped between the door and the frame and pushed the door back into place. She smiled at me as she thew a silvery powder onto the door. The powder melted the door to the frame in a sizzling flash of orange.
    "Foolish door," she said with a smirk.
    "Missed you April," I said as I blew her a kiss.
    "I missed you too Patty Cake!" She put her hand on the edge of my cell door and kissed me through the bars. " I can't believe they put you in this cell. You didn't even take that much.
    "I hate to the bearer of bad news, but I'd like to get out of this cell soon," I said.
    April stepped backwards away from my cell and smiled at me. "I figured that I would just let my caged bird sing."
    "This isn't the time from games," I said hesitantly.
    "Don't be foolish, it is always time for games," April said.
    "Are you serious?"
    "Not usually. I'm mostly April." She stood back and the entire front of my cell fell forward.
    "When..." April pressed her finger to my lips.
    "It is okay that you didnt notice! Let's roll!"
    Val pressed his face into the bars. "Are you going to leave me here?" His face looked sad, but I could hear Joel booming down the hall.
    "Sorry to break your heart!"
    April threw the silver powder to the wall and it melted the wall away in a flash. "Guess what," she said as she pulled me the the edge. It was the first time, I'd seen the drop from the prison to the ocean. It looked like a long fall. "It's the year of the dragon!" We jumped, and we fell a very short distance to a long red dragon that took us away.
    I expected Val to be angry, but instead he waved with just the tips of his fingers. "Bye," he whispered. Joel exploded through the door in a flash of anger. I could see him wave his fist angrily with his booming voice launching at us. "I'll get you both!"

Saturday, March 26, 2016


I've been into quantum mechanics for awhile, and a couple of people have contemplated what light travels through as it's medium. Many people think that it travels through an invisible and intangible substance known as the ether. On top of this some literary criticism  puts stake in the idea that no idea is original. If we theorize that English and language moves continuously forward like light. Then I wonder if the ether is creativity. Which explains why creativity appears above your head like a light bulb.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Deviluge the Secret

    The Devil was offering you a contract. It was sitting right in front of you. You wanted to sign it, but you seemed to be particularly frozen. It didn't seem as though you couldn't move your muscles. Out was more like you had slowly converted to some. Your eyes moved down to your hand, and you say that you weren't actually turning to some.
    "Cat fish fur lounge?" The Devil said. Those weren't words. At least they didn't make sense in that order. The Devil grabbed you by the ear, and you realized what had happened.Your ears were starting to turn to stone, she pulled your left ear off of your head and whispered into. "Hear no Devil."
    "?????" You tried to say but you found that your mouth was heavy and hard to move.  With one hand you reached up, and you found that it has also been turned to stone. The Devil smiled at you, she held out a pen, but you couldn't reach it because your hand was turning to stone.
    "You have brought this upon yourself," she mouthed. But you couldn't see it. It was like she was turning into a deviled blur. Your body was consumed with stone, and the last bit of stoneconsumed your body. She tucked the contract into your pocket. "????"  You weren't sure what she said, but afterwards she left.
    Your boss tried to remove you from your register pod, but you were firmly stucl k to the floor, and unfortunately you were too heavy to pick up. Instead, you just stayed mmotionless at your register, watching as blurry society crumbled to the ground. Time passed slower for you, because you were mostly made of stone, and stone mostly can't feel the passage of time.
    Then one Sunday, a bright hot light touched your chest, and you attempted to swipe it away. Of course, it went nowhere, because light isn't a thing that you can swipe away. The light was really nice on your hand. In a burst of realization, you saw your hand was flesh again.
    After looking around, you found that the store that you had once called your job was just a decayed building. And after you climbed from the rubble, you found that the store wasn't the only thing that was decayed. Basically, everything was decayed. Even though you went down every Street in your neighborhood, no one was around. It was just you hanging out by yourself in reality. You went to your home and sat on your chair.
    "Hard day, huh?" Someone said as they closed the fridge door. "You don't really have much left to drink or eat. Heck, there isn't even an inside of this fridge." As you glanced over, you saw that the person standing by your fridge was a strangely garbed version of yourself. "Weird," I know. The version of you took finely sharped ax from the wall. "I'm  going to need that contract." The strange version of you through an empty milk bottle into the corner of the room, and your soundtrack began playing "Ready."

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Birthday Excercise!

This one is in honor of birthdays!  This exercise is simple, take an existing character that you have or create a new one. Start a scene with them entering their residence to find a suprise birthday party. The emphasis should be on the detail. Who is at the party? What are they serving? How does the main character feel about getting older?

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Wacky Tack Wednesday: Road to the Future

This seems like my butt-ery idea, and also counter to my idea of lines. In short, we use the heat produced by the heating of roads by the sun and by cars driving over as ssupplement energy for buildings nearby. This adds iincentives for businesses to try to get more traffic, because it would add more free power. It also clean energy.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Lines: Poetic and Otherwise

Life is shared amongst the lines
Speed through silky tendrils of Facebook Vines
You follow them on the road
You follow them as a code
Even in this form lines appear
They are in your eyes in a mirror
Outlining our doors and our way of life
Cutting through the fat like a knife
You can walk until the sidewalk ends
Or just lend your soul to the wind
Like ants, we follow a path
Following lines that aren't even on maps
Does the 'M' on your palm
Mean something more?
Climb the peaks
Find what the 'M' means
It may mean mystery
Or simply mortal
Leave the lines
And see things of many kinds

Lines: Poetic and Otherwise

Life is shared amongst the lines
Speed through silky tendrils of Facebook Vines
You follow them on the road
You follow them as a code
Even in this form lines appear
They are in your eyes in a mirror
Outlining our doors and our way of life
Cutting through the fat like a knife
You can walk until the sidewalk ends
Or just lend your soul to the wind
Like ants, we follow a path
Following lines that aren't even on maps
Does the 'M' on your palm
Mean something more?
Climb the peaks
Find what the 'M' means
It may mean mystery
Or simply mortal
Leave the lines
And see things of many kinds

Monday, March 21, 2016

Originality: Running from Time: New and Improved

He is a list of 10 never before used sentences:

1. The monochromatic vampire time birgade are sending cyborg Oprah to daycare.
2. It's been approximately 29 minutes since we ordered our pizza, but I'm sure the pizza delivery person is on their way, and we shouldn't complain, because this is a luxary.
3. Futuristic pirates invented chocolate that cures blindness for the reptillian race.
4. I learned lockpicking by mistake and clearly I will not use it for evil.
5. Sure, I shouldn'tthrow these sccissors, but two blades are better than one.
6. Each generation improves upon the last whileleaving an impression of their mistakes, thus no generation is the best.
7. I never look good in photos, because my invisibility causes the camera lens to become fuzzy.
8. An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but so will a crossbow my of the bones of my enemies.
9. You don't have to pay me back.
 10. If I take a sipsy of ectoplasm, I get tipsy or ghostly.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Short Story Sunday: St. Patty

    My cell was crowded by Val screaming for the love of his life. His delusion was strong enough that he couldn't quite comprehend that he was in a prison. I wasn't sure that not knowing he was trapped was particularly better than losing the love of his life and thinking she'd never be back.
    "Come back!" Val screamed. His screams pierced my heart and ears like an arrow. I thought him to be lucky. I could have wished for something to drown my sorrows.
    "Val?" I said through the wall as I pressed my fingers through the bars. His hand touched mine, and it was smaller than I expected.
    "I'd kill to see her," Val said. His voice changed dramatically from light star crossed lover to the deep tone of a female hippopotamus. I was starting to get a grip on why he was here. Though his hands were dainty, I could feel the scars that ran along his finger and his jagged fingernails.
     "You could steal her heart," I said back. Stealing a heart would be an interesting score, but I was more into the facet of gold. Although a gold heart would be fine, I guess.
    "I could take her heart and I could keep close to mine."
    "To be in love again," I said aloud. I was never the one for love, usually just the one for lonely drunken nights and lucky scores. I pressed my hand onto a hexahon I had carved into the wall; my lucky charm.
     "What do they call you?" Val asked.
     "Patty. You?"
     "Val. It's short for Valentine." There was a pause and then Val spoke again. "I've never had a best friend."
     "I'll be yours, Val."

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Silly Saturday: Toast Her

Imagine if you will, as I sometimes do, being a toaster. People depend on you, even if for just trivial things like breakfast. You like to be loyal and stick beside your friends, but somehow no matter what it seems like you get burned. You set your goals to high and you fail. Just look in your reflective surface, and no you have a deeper purpose.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Vil De

    The Devil was offering you a chance of a lifetime. A deal with the Devil could get you out of this crappy job and Take you somewhere meaningful. You went to sign the contract, but the Devil grabbed your hand, and she snickered. "Look to that old woman and say, I just got bamboozled by Satan's sister Vil De."
    You had heard of Satan's sister. She pretended to offer deals to unsuspecting people, but then it just turned out to be a prank show. "I just got bamboozled by Vil De." Vil De started to grow bright red, and you realized your mistake. By saying her name, you had given her Hella good powers. Her arms grew long and slender, and she slashed your ear clean off.
    "Ear catching bonus!" The people screamed!
    You realized that you were no cursed to be on a crazy prank show because of your loose morals. You should have kept them tighter.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

The power of the _______.

The page is blank. Sucks! Whether you are writing a poem, a paper, or a novel, or a poetic paper about novels, it isn't fun. This adviceis a bit lame, but try just writing words. Any words at all. Eventually, they will start to correlate and theoretically your self conscious will come out.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Wack Wednesday: Table Trash

I created a side table for fun, and I learned today that it could be flipped over to be a trashcan. So, Ifigured this could be useful in a picnic or camping setting, since you never know how many tables or trask cans you will need. We, as a culture, have an obsession with multi purpose items. I guess to be fair, you can turn and trashcan into a table if you flip it over.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Haiku for You, no not you, but this was Due

Haikus from your favorite blog characters (this blog specificallt?)

Mayo of Burgah Tahown:

I get a smidge sad
Every time I see a frown
Turn it upside down

The Devil:

I'm not as seem
Windex is not Listerine
Somehow both are blue


I can run through time
Present, past are intertwined
Ketchup and Jones, mmm

Cat Wizard:

Why won't you listen
 I'm obviously a human
LOOK! A shiny thing


I love you more than
I can show with just my hands
So, I stole some more


I need all of the space
To figure out what to place
Forget I said 'The'

Monday, March 14, 2016

Burgah Tahown 3

I'm the Mayo of Burgah Tahown
You may not see me, but I'm around
The pool is full of dreamsicles
While the little ones sit criss cross Apple sauce
They want to be the next ones in
As smooth as Whisky and Gin
They stare into the cotton candy clouds
I couldn't be anymore proud
They play tictac in the Oreo crumbs
Talk about why there's chicken fingers, but no thumbs
The sweet Ocean Water in the pool
Makes even the toughest meathead drool
It's a hot and sticky Sundae
The bagle bites just want to play
Look to the sky and Take 5
Today may not be your Payday,
But whatchamacallit, what's the saying?
First their sour, then their sweet
A sundae is hard to beet
When you feel yourself about to frown
Remember, I am always in Burgah Tahown

Sunday, March 13, 2016

St. Valentine's Tale: Let's Continue (Mobile)

    The bus ride was long, but Val was glad that it was over. His back was beginning to get sweaty, pressed against the faux leather of the bus. The love of his life escorted him off of the bus and for the first time in a long while he was really excited to see what special surprise lurked for him ahead.
    "Val, you are sick," his love said.
    Val looked down, slightly ashamed. The red paste that he had used to make the card for the person he loved was still speckled under his fingernails. Despite the fact that breathing had become labor intensive in the night, he still continued making the card. "I love you," he said finally with a soft grin.
    His lover patted him on the shoulder, while she led him forward by some invisible leash. The place had two very sharply dressed doormen, who nodded at them as they passed through. "Everything will be alright."
    Val believed her. This was the best Valentine's Day that he had ever had, but he was still waiting for the right moment to give her the card. It was his ace in the hole, which meant that he didn't want to play it until it was necessary.
    She continued to lead him onward to his own private room. To Val, it seemed to have an industrial tone with its use of iron and chrome, but it was as good a place as any for a romantic night. He fell back into the comfy bed and let out a long sigh.
    The one person he loved more than anyone else smiled at him. "Get comfortable," she said as she touched his leg. She shut the door to his room, and Val eagerly awaited her return. He pulled the heart-shaped card from the waistband of his new orange suit. It was dripping with the red pant, but the letters he had written with his knife were still there. "This heart is yours." He couldn't wait to give it to her.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Candy Soda

Why do we have branded soda candy? Doctor Pepper licorice and such. Why are there any reverse examples. I would really enjoy skittles as a drink. Just food for thought.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Luck of the Devil

       You had mistaken a leprechaun for the Devil. Easy mistake, they were very similar and very monochromatic. The contract was actually just a sheet of gold leaf paper.
       "I wanted to know if you wanted to know where more oh this treasure was. On the good of heart can see the treasure." This wasn't bad at all! You were going to get to go on an adventure. The Indiana Jones music played instead if Bland.
       Before anything could happen, The Worst Devil appeared and hit you square in the back with an ax. You feel onto your face, feeling the warm blood glaze your back.
       "Got you," the Devil said.

Ebook This is the Amazon link for my EBook You can go there and in the next few days download it for free. If you do so, leave a review. #Descent2Darkness

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Float like a pencil sting like a staple

Want to start an idea? Start with a simple sentence like:

I saw him/her once before on a bus, but I never expecting to see them here.

Make sense of this.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Board Game Sequels

What I've noticed is that board games of iterations, but they don't really have sequels. They have retellings, but not continuations. So I propose unofficial sequels to board games. For instance:

A sequel to Sorry called Not Sorry: In this game, you have to go from safety of a bunker, back to your home.

A sequel to Clue called We Got You. In this game, set directly after Clue, you go to jail if you are the murderer, and you escape, so they have to find out when and from where to catch you.

A sequel to Monopoly called Repercussions. Where the winner of a game of monopoly has to figure our how to use their winnings for the good of where they live.

A sequel to Trivial Pursuit about trivial information about trivial pursuit and its history.

These such things.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Running out of Time 12

She looked up from the bread and smiled. “You don’t know my name, do you?”
            I took the seat across from her and laughed nervously. “What makes you think that?”
            “You paused for a very long time, and after you completed your thought, you said nailed it out loud.” She munched on some more bread and lightly touched my hand.
            “I know your name,’ I said quickly as I pulled away slightly.
            “Then what is it?” I hadn’t expected her to put me on the spot like that.
            Slyly, I lifted the ketchup off of the table and handed it to her. “Is your name Ketchup?” The girl who I thought was named Ketchup, let out a huge gasp.
            “How did you know?” She grabbed the ketchup and held it to her chest, letting out short burst of laughter.
            “That isn’t honestly your name is it?”
            “No. That is the dumbest name I have ever heard. If you were going to just pick something off the table, at least Pepper is a name.”
            Everything shifted to grey again, and space extended. “I always liked Ketchup, but she didn’t seem to like me. Companions are overrated after all.”
            “Warren,” I muttered, but I wasn’t sure what that meant.
            Warren, whose face was just a darker version of mine, moved in a flickering pattern from one side of the restaurant. He vanished and reappeared in three feet succession. His previous form left a visible watermark in reality. Once he was beside Ketchup, he flicked her ear with his golden gauntlets. The girl’s ear flickered off of her head, and reappeared a few inches above her. “Oops.”
            Warren grabbed her ear, licked one end, and stuck it back to the side of ketchup’s head. “She doesn’t taste like her namesake. She tastes more like iron.”
            Warren slightly shoved her, and she flickered into the interior of the booth. He sat directly opposite of me, where Ketchup had been. He slammed his fist onto the tabletop, and it smashed through the floor. I had suddenly remembered something. “Anthony told me to avoid you,” I said.
            “Did he now? That seems like something that he would do. Did you give you his, “I’m good, he’s evil’ speech? I love that speech. It’s as if he thinks he’s superior to me, but he really isn’t.” I shifted uncomfortably, rubbing my shoes together. Warren snapped his fingers, and the shoes appeared in his hand. At least, I had thought that they were the shoes, but they took the shape of earmuffs. The design was the same at the very least. “Be careful, these things could take you to the end of your time…line.” I swallowed hard, I was vaguely reminded of Warren’s malice. “You know jokes are hard to make. Jokes are all about timing, and right this moment, that is sort of your thing. Even if I thought of something, I wouldn’t know when to tell it.” He moved closer until I could smell his salty breath. “I guess I don’t understand personal space.” He laughed incredibly hard, but I remained stoic. “Can’t really break my own personal space.” He nudged me and I shifted just barely to the left. “You’ll get that in due time.”
            I scoffed. “I’m not impressed.”
            Warren stopped laughing suddenly, snapped his fingers, and my head started to swell like a balloon. “Don’t get such a bug head.” He laughed uncontrollably, then suddenly he smashed his hands into his knees, and the table sprung back up. “See, do you want to hear what is really happening, because I could tell it to you straight unlike the Anthony guy.”

            “Anthony is my friend!” I yelled.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Pouring Raining Riboflavin

To write a poem
is to light a roman
candlelight in the night
From one side of a parallel
In which it fell
Down we go, down
The rabbit hole of nothingness
Attempting to grab a hold
of fireflies on the other side
Of the darkened moon.
A room unchanged in
Memory, so vividly that never happens
Dampened by a a number
The same on that you can
Call a roman candle
Moonlight, flight of a bird
In the nighttime
Consecutive, back to back
What's here that you lack
Better find out
Before the roman Moonlight
Of the roman candle, goes out.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Short Story: The Short Story about the Short Story

A short story was running through the woods. She was on her way to grandma’s house. Her motivations were unclear, but her mood was not. Neither was the tone of her chipper whistling.
            The trees of the forest were like columns of brown marble holding the sky. Carved inside the side of each of the trees were tall figures stretched to the wildest proportions possible.
            A thick and tall man stumbled from the woods with a leather coat wrapped around his blockish body. “Little girl. You cannot go into the forest alone. You need to take a magic sword, or otherwise you will be attacked by ghosts,” the man said.
            “No time,” the short story said. She didn’t have time for talking, because she had to continue forward at a rapid pace.
            Clouds appeared overhead, quickly impregnated by hot white lightning. In a flash they broke water, hindering the girl. She was lost, but she was never alone. The cold came closer to her, attempting to strangle the life out of her. It froze the rain against her skin, stiffening her body to a full bright blue stop.

            The basket that had been under her arm fell, causing a white blanket to cascade from its wicker confinement. Floating atop the fabric was a candle. Its scent was marked on one side. “Winter morning.” The short story’s skin was illuminated by the sun passing through the clouds, giving her a warm white glow to her otherwise cold body.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Best Silly Idea (probably)

People like reboots of movies! People like heist movies! People like board games! People like adaptations of things they love!

So, steps to success?

1. Crate board game about stealing board game collection.

2. Adapt that board game into a movie.

3. Adapt that movie into a board game that is a movie tie in.

4. Reboot the original movie into a movie about stealing a board game collection comprised of the board game from the step above.

5. Create an adaptation of the movie, into a book about a group of people actively trying to steal the board game from the stealers.

6. Create a movie crossover universe where the original movie's  team is resurrected from the original board game, from a secondary universe in which the original movie lies in.

7. Create a team based board game in the style of capture the flag, where the flag is board games.

8. Make billions of dollars.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Mayo of Devil Tahown

 Could you make a deal with the Devil? Probably not. Though the contract was sitting right in front of you, you still decided to push it back to her. “I’m against this.”
            “Are you sure?” The Devil said with a flame licked smile.
            “I’m 100% sure,” You say back. The people in your line clapped and cheered you on. The walls fell away, leaving you standing on a register set in a much larger hanger.
            Sitting in a chair holding a megaphone, was another version o f you. The version of you winked, and then vanished into shimmering dust. “Cut!” Someone yelled. A short man waddled towards you with a cigar in one corner of his mouth and a sucker in the other corner.
            “see, yar spose ta take de deal. It’s sorta the whole pointa dealin’ wit the Devil. Wer makin’a movie, so itsa portant dat we catch ya choosing ah deal.” The flicked his fingers, nd the walls leapt back into position. “Ya got it? Make daedal.” The man smiled.
            With one hand, he pointed a shiny gem into your face, and you instantly forgot what had transpired. You rubbed your eyes, trying to get your composure.  You vaguely heard someone breathing in front of you.
            “Ahem,” you hear someone cough. Once you regain your sight, you seethat the Devil is standing before you. She was offering you a contract. Could you make a deal with the Devil? Probably not.
            “I’m against this,” you say to the Devil.
            “Are you sure?” She asked
            “I’m 100% sure,” you say.
            “I strongly suggest that you take the deal.”

            You shake your head, and in one final glance, you catch a glare from a silver gem. It hits you scare in the chest, and you begin to burn away. “This one is defective,” someone said.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Exercise #11- Probababylee

So you've got a good idea? Well. Let's take a step back. You want to write a book? Sure. Take a step back first. First, wrote a haiku that your character would write. Your protagonist. Now, wrote a hiaku response from your antagonists. Go go go! This will help you get their motivations in few words. Test your limits.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Invention? Wacky Wednesday

So, we have these arbitrary competition shows right? Where the people get overly involved in the back story and competition between people who have a skill like the ability to sing. This all gets plastered all over the internet. We also have shows where people compete to get investors to put capital into their inventions. Why don't we mix these things? We could have a competition show where America decides the winner, and the winner gets some amount of money. But instead we tackle big issues that need solved, like feeding world hunger or something. Then people can compete by pitching their idea. Some of the final rounds would be implementing their ideas. This way we have a competition show that helps people. We get entertainment and betterment as a society.

We could call it: Our Reality Show

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Running out of Time 11

Chapter Three
Space to Grow

I had realized that I had all of the time in the world to go on my date with Ketchup. I mean, I was wearing cursed, and/or magical shoes, so there wasn’t really a way that I could be late to the date. As I was walking to my date, I contemplated how I had easily accepted that I could travel through time with shoes.
            Okay, but seriously, none of that stuff happened. I just went inside and convinced Jones to sell me the shoes for double the price. Rather than pay for one shoe and get one free. They weren’t magic at all. It is just eloquent storytelling. I probably had you going, but I was only inconvenienced for a minute or two.
            I arrived to the restaurant ready to eat. Haggling had really burned a hunger into my stomach. The only thing that I remembered was that she had hazel eyes, and that she would be wearing a red sweater. A quick scan, and I thought I saw Ketchup sitting in a nearby booth. As I approached, I noticed that who I thought was Ketchup was actually Anthony.
            “Did you already forget about me?” He gestured to the open seat across from him.
            “You aren’t real. I just imagined you,” I said to him.
            Anthony took a sip from his drink and laughed. “It isn’t that simple. Time has you trapped in a pocket reality for its amusement. Time cares a great deal about getting a good laugh, then it does about the battle with space.”
            I was starting to realize that everyone inside the restaurant was only pretending to be eating. They would bring their forks to their face without food, lightly touch their faces, and then repeat. They were acting suspiciously like robots.
            “How have I never noticed?” I asked.
            Anthony leaned over to grab a shard of glass from the floor. “Do you remember the table disappearing. My glass fell from where it was. Do you remember that at all?”
            “No. What are you talking about?”
            Anthony swiped his foot over the broken glass. I formed back into a cup and levitated back onto the table. The table flickered off again and the glass fell once more to the floor. “You forget things that are unnatural. They are basically edited from your mind to keep it pure. You act as if you have just seen stuff for the first time. You only retain very basic things. For instance, you know who I am, but do you remember where we met?”
            I attempted to figure it out, but I honestly had no idea where I had met him. “What are you then?” I asked. Reality shifted dramatically and everyone was standing including us. It shifted again, and Anthony and I were on opposite sides of the table, sitting now.
            “I’m from the distant future. Outside of the bubble. Be careful because Warren is here too.” Everyone blinked and they were standing around us, they were still shoveling nothingness into their mouths. “I should go.” Anthony took off running and vanished through a wall. I was left standing with my mouth agape. Then, reality shifted again and the mindless robots were eating again.
            It is so easy to fool you. I actually walked up to the booth, and Ketchup was munching on a piece of bread. She had python sized arms that showed through her tight long sleeved shirt. I actually wondered how she could hold bread so delicately. It was like watching the Hulk hold a bunny.

            “Are you…” Oh no, I had forgotten that I didn’t know her actual name. I’d have to play it off very smoothly. “…here for a date?” Nailed it!

Poetic Movie Review of The Proposal

 There are three types of RomComs There's the ones that are corny The kind that are raunch and porn-y Then there's ones filled with ...