Friday, February 3, 2017

Dr. Hounchell's Theory of Life and Everything: Tea

Today's topic is Tea, like the drink.

While sipping from a glass of pure leaf tea, I noticed there was a tagline: Real Brewed Tea.

Which made me wonder if there was fake tea? I understand that the real is modifying the brewed, but this makes it seem like those teas are fake.

Then I thought about it even more Real Tea. Almost sounds like reality. Then I realized even faster that Tea was drank by some of the greatest minds of all time. I sat back thinking of the matrix, which interestingly is a mathematical concept and also contains a t. Actually, math and concept all contain a t. So if there is fake Tea and Real Tea, and I've been drinking real Tea. Is it at all possible that tea allows the drinker to see what is really happening around them.

Tea would be like one of the pills in the matrix, drink it and you can understand what is actually happening. Is that why British people are so smart.

Well, I'm slowly losing my mind, but hey it's just a theory.

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