Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Dr. Hounchell's Theory of Life and Everything: Sporks

Today's topic is the spork.

Why does KFC have only sporks and knives. It isn't like they couldn't afford forks and spoons. The spork must be there to invalidate itself. Like a weird backtracking invention that causes its own ridicule.

In fact, why aren't sporks everywhere? Why does anyone own forks and spoons separate? Like really dig deep. It would be like owning a phone and a camera that you carry at the same time.  That's your camera phone. A good invention that's both.

Carrying those two things separately, seems silly. Instead of forty spoons and forty forks. You could own forty sporks. Save that space. Save that space in the sink. Save time washing dishes.

Why not though? Clearly, thew reason is because big Utensil companies want your money for their stainless steel products. It explains why there are "butter knives". No one needs a different knife for butter.

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