Saturday, April 29, 2017

Dr. Hounchell's Theory of Life and Everything: Lies

Today's topic is noodles.

See that is a lie and not one I get any gain from. Lying is functionally a human characteristic. Lying isn't done by creatures in the wild as a lying is a language. It is possible for creatures of any kind to guise the truth or veil an aspect of reality, but it is not the same as lying. Because lying can be done without reason.

Why can we lie? Why can we weave ideas different than what we know? In a biblical sense we were created specifically from the lies of Satan, but that seems a little too easy. Perhaps lying is a method of survival. If everything comes down to the idea of survival, it would make sense that people would learn to lie to gain the upper hand on their competition.

Because human beings do not have predators typically. But we do have people that we can compete against for resources. But you know that is just a theory or whatnot.

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