Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Top 10 Best Pokemon: Listmageddon

1. Muk. 

Muk is a political statement about how we treat our water. As thus, I have decided to never throw trash into water, ever again.

2. Trubbish

This pokemon was created solely to remind us that animals are affected by the trash we throw out. Much like the animals that get their heads caught in 6-packs.

3. Vanillish

This pokemon is just ice cream. Who doesn't like ice cream? Probably communists.

4. Voltorb

Voltorb exists to remind children of the dangers of electricity. It does this clearly by exploding when agitated.

5. Klefki

This pokemon exists specifically to remind us how we are an embodiment of our possessions. This clearly isn't right, so we should try to be fear of all the locks that bind us.

6. Rotom

Some people think that this pokemon is bad because it is just a pokemon that possesses electronic to some degree. They are wrong. It is awesome and it is the word motor spelled backwards.

7. Girafarig

People seem to dislike this one specifically because it is a "strange" design but it is a constant reminder to not stand behind a giraffe, because that is dangerous. 

8. Mr. Mime

Do I need to explain?

9. Chandlure

I know you think this is bad, because it is a possessed chandler, but it is a ghost. Every house that is haunted just magically springs a chandler. 

10. Bublasaur

No explanation 

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