Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Dr. Hounchell's Theory of Life and Everything: Existence

Today's topic is existence.

A pretty big topic, clearly. What does it mean to exist? Some people will have you believe that it has something to do with the number 42 or that it has something to do with how much you dis/like pineapple on pizza. Others will have you believe there is no reason. It is coincidental and random that were exist.

I am not one of those people. Instead, let me tell you about the Otter Effect. This special effect is called such because of what it makes you feel. When you see an otter, how do you feel? When you see an otter by itself, how do you feel? The point of existing, is simple not to be an outsiotter.

Your reasoning to exist, is to be a collective. You must try to find your ottersand merely get the enjoyment of cracking clams on your tummy. Video of an Otter to Prove a Point

Your reasoning is to share in the love and joy of your groups clams, even if they are pineapple on pizza or the number 42.

Stay Cool my friends.

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