Monday, March 20, 2017

Dr. Hounchell's Theory of Life and Everything: Advice

Today's topic: Advice

Advice is a strange concept in itself. For one, it is usually an admission of guilt to a degree. As I've experienced this situation and I can advise you how to do it differently or better. Sometimes both.

Yet, the word itself when broken down morphologically is actually Ad - like advertisement and vice - like a bad thing or a sin. So it is ads for vices. I find that fascinating actually. When I sit back and think about it... That's​ a good point.

When someone attempts to give advice in a situation, most people listen to the advice, but if they've already made their mind up, how will it change anything? So, when you are giving advice for a specific situation, what is really happening is an advertisement. I did this fun thing but this bad thing happened.

What a revaluation? Right? Think about it.

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