Friday, January 22, 2016

Wheeling and Dealing Devil

I “Deal or no deal?” The Devil asked. She slid the contract off of the table and set a briefcase onto your counter. The people standing in line lifted up another set of cases each with a different letter burned into the side. You just realized that you were on a game show. You were on Wheeling and Dealing Devil. How had you never noticed before? It was so clear. You weren’t a cashier. This was just how every episode of the show opened.
            “All you have to do is pick a case. You have a chance at winning back your soul! One of the cases has an even better soul inside of it! Are you ready to play Wheeling and Dealing Devil?” You were so excited. This was the first time that you had ever been on a game show!
            “I’ll take the 666 case.” An older lady from the cashier line moved up to the register and handed you the silvery case.
            “You picked the 666 case, so you get to spin the WHEEL of UNFORTUNE! Do you know how this works?” The Devil asked you. You nodded your head excitedly. “Then spin the wheel!”
            You grabbed the wheel and spun it around. Shrunken head. Knife covered in blood. Blood Star.  $10,000. Shrunken head with a blood star! The wheel stopped spinning, and it landed on blood star. “I can’t believe this!” You screamed.
            “It’s time for the round of judgement! All you have to do is pick from three sets of two people, and decided which of the set had the largest amount of evil inside them.” The Devil gestured to a screen behind you that you didn’t remember being there.
            The first set of pictures was Hitler on one side and on the other side was Betty White. “You can’t really think this is difficult?”
            “Remember that if you get one of them wrong. You have to fight Cerebos in the eternal pit of flame,” The Devil said. The studio audience cooed at the idea. No one ever one a fight against Cerebos.
            “Hitler obviously!” The pictures flashed green and moved onto another set of pictures. The next set was of Cleopatra and Alexander the Great. That was an actual tough choice. You looked at both pictures. “Cleopatra!” You screamed. The pictures flashed green again and moved onto the next set. The last set was two pictures of you. That was interesting. One of them seemed to be a live feed of you looking at the pictures right that instance, and the other picture looked like you wearing a shiny glove holding a weird green ghost. “What is this?” You asked as you turned to the Devil.
            “This is two versions of you. One of them is eviler than the other. Pick one,” The Devil said with a Devilish smile.
            “There are two versions of me?” You asked.
            “There are many versions of every person and thing including me. This is but one world of many. Pick carefully.”
            You look at the two pictures. You are inclined to believe that you aren’t the eviler of your two versions, but you aren’t actually sure. “The other one is the evil one.”
            The Devil laughed. “Indeed he is. What were the odds? Now, solve the puzzle on the side of the briefcase, and you could win your soul back.” There was a puzzle cube on one end of the brief case, which looked impossible to solve. “If you are unable to solve the puzzle in 60 seconds, then we take you straight to Hell! Go.” You saw that the case had an almost unperceivable etching of the horrified faces of what you thought may be its victims. You slid the puzzle one direction, and what was once a cubic puzzle turned into a triangular puzzle. You contained your breath and slide the puzzle around again, revealing a keyhole behind the rectangular puzzle. You pulled off the rectangular portion of the puzzle, and it morphed into a a key.
            Just as the last precious seconds were ticking away, you pressed the key into the hole. “Congratulations!  You just unlocked one of your souls! Now, I’m going to take your current one.” The Devil opened her toothy mouth and sucked your soul into her mouth. As the light flickered away from your soul, the soul from within the briefcase moved into your body. Initially, you came back online, screaming. You felt different, but you were still the same. Like the same recipe made by two different people. You were happy to see that you weren’t about to be killed by an ax. At the very least that was nice. “Now, you can pick a door! Any door! Choose carefully again.”
            “Where am I?” You asked.

            “Where aren’t you? Pick a door.” The Devil smiled at you.

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