Friday, December 18, 2015

Contractual Obligations Part C

Part C of my multiple choice novel Contractual Obligations.

C. You signed the contract, because obviously she wasn’t the Devil. You actually weren’t even that religious, so the fact that thought had even crossed your mind was kind of bewildering. You released a new album in nearly a year later titled My Life is a Living Hell. It turned out that it didn’t matter if she wasn’t or was the Devil, you were still in Hell. With all of this money and all of this fame, you had finally accomplished all of your goals and had nothing to strive for anymore.
You fell into a deep depression on that lead to a river of booze and fish made of drugs. You would go to jail and handful of times and eventually have as many DUIs has you did hit songs. You would find yourself actually wishing you could go back to your bland and boring life, but you knew that wasn’t really an option.

There wasn’t even an option to stop producing music, because you were contractually obligated to release a record every two years for the rest of your life.  The night you died of drug overdose, you dreamt of quarters being rubbed together. For a least a moment, you were happy, and in that moment you died.

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