Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Dr. Hounchell's Theory of Life and Everything: Oranges

Today's Topic? Oranges. What do those things want?

We all know that oranges are orange, but how did that become their name too? In at least three different languages? Something sinister is afoot, it might also be a foot. Irrelevant.

Clearly, oranges have existed for all of time. They were probably the forbidden fruit, if I do think so myself. I believe that oranges have been there since the dawn of time, monopolizing the breakfast food industry.

What would oranges have to gain from that? Well, think pirates needed them to cure scurvy and what is the only reason we keep Florida around? Oranges are feeding off of our life force. That's why you need sunlight to activate calcium in Vitamin D. Oranges are sabotaging milk to gain more of breakfast.

Oranges are evil scary creature ready to kill. They are filled to the brim with acid that could blind you!

But hey, what do I know? I'm not even a real doctor.

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