Sunday, September 17, 2017

Dr. Hounchell's Theory of Life and Everything: Tennis Shoes

Today's topic is Tennis Shoes.

Without doing any actual research, I was pondering why tennis shoes are called tennis shoes, given that perhaps I know 3 people who can play tennis well enough to care about what kind of shoes they wear to specialized shoes.

Interestingly, on the same note. why are sneakers called sneakers? I know very few ninjas. Who is sneaking in sneakers?

My thought is that tennis shoes is actually a colloquialism for just shoes. Because shoes is one sylavic, and English tends to lean closer to the easiest thing to say. Sort of how sort of becomes sorta.

Sneakers however seems to be an older form of the same concept of shoes. That or everyone who says tennis shoes is unaware that there are ninjas everywhere wearing similar shoes to them and hunting them down.

But hey?
It's like a theory.

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