Sunday, September 10, 2017

Dr. Hounchell's Theory of Life and Everything: Origin of Ideas

Today's topic?
The origin of ideas.

Perhaps, I have touched upon this concept before, but still I think about it. Still, I stay up all night wondering where ideas come from. I still think about the first person to think of heating sand to make glass. The first person to sprinkle salt onto food. The first person to think of drinking cow's milk.

Though most of the time I think of the origin of creative ideas, I believe I have a better idea of where these ideas come from. I understand that fiction is partial created around the answers to questions that have no answer and sometimes questions that were never asked. Fiction is created in stacks. X person thinks of fairies. Y person thinks of something to counter. Back and forth forever. Thus in this sense there only has to be on original idea to compound on.

Thus brings up the thought that there has to be a person who first had the idea to fight a bull. There has to be a first to drink poison. To roll in nuclear waste. To leap into shark infested waters.

This means that our understanding of the world and our ideas ce from trial and error. It is only from the vantage point of the future of a trial that we can be astonished.

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