Saturday, August 5, 2017

Dr. Hounchell's Theory of Life and Everything: Luck

Today's topic is luck.

To say luck is t real is easy from the point t of view of the person who isn't lucky. Because luck is based on perception.

If I knew someone who I thought seemed luckier than me, I'd feel unlucky. The opposite is also true of someone else.

There are 7 billion people in the world, so statistically coincidence would line up well enough for certain people to seem lucky.

However, my person opinion is that luck has to exist. Except, I don't know how it's strength could be measured. Luck could be hereditary or it could be given to wild cards, but it had to exist. I feel as though, I am a lucky person, but only because I've already become aware of that fact.

Try it though. Try measuring luck and see how hard it really is.

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