Monday, April 17, 2017

Dr. Hounchell's Theory of Life and Everything: Being Dissociative

Today's topic is being dissociative.

Everyone is always harping on being happy. Why can't you feel happy? Why do you let things eat you up? Why can't you just let go?

My thoughts on this have always been clear. A bit of it has to do with justice. I feel like I have a strong sense of inner-justice. A kind of sense that sometimes works against me instead of for me.

Some of it, I believe has to do with it being hard for me to feel cohesive. Sometimes my emotions and my feelings are volatile to the point that even I have to fight myself. It means though that once in awhile I can pull back.

If I think about it, I know that other people have problems that they take out on me accidentally, so I know that people think their issues matter. It's this feeling that causes me to want to help. It causes me to care about others, and it is the driving force of my empathy.

I can hardly understand myself and I feel as though I struggle with that constantly, but it helps me understand everyone else.

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