Friday, March 24, 2017

Writing Exercise: Running with Scissors

I know. I find myself trying to figure out exactly where my writing is going all the time. For some reason it continues to go to this place that is both a hellish nightmare and a place of redemption. What if I never escape this place?

No worries voice I am creating in my head. In fact, double no worries. Two fat zeroes in the worry-dar. It turns out that all you really need to escape anything is an existential crisis. How would you trigger that, you aren't asking? Easy! Write a scene where it is your character's birthday and they are turning 30, 40, 50, 1000, 1,000,000 years old. Some fat round number with a zero in it.

Then have them contemplate their existence with all of their friends present.

Also, Happy Birthday to me.

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