Sunday, March 12, 2017

Top Ten Favorite Villains that I have Created: Listmageddon

1. Limes

They are citrus-y. The limelight can easily change you into lime stone. Like a strange version of lime medusa.

2. Aven

Time traveling deity with only 24 hours to live. He has all of the powers and he is scary and full of vengeance.

3. Leap Day

He is upset that he only gets to exist for one day every four years and he is the embodiment of the sin of lust.

4. Dracula

Because I can.

5. Fate and Death

They've been trying to kill Cupid for hundreds of years. And they succeed eventually.

6. Space/Warren

The embodiment of space, Warren is able to wield space against his nemesis, Time/Greg.

7. The Devil

She was buying some weird things at the grocery store and she isn't too nice.

8.  A Mirror

It reflects what could be like instantly and stuff.

9. Heroin Dealer Named Piper

Some local kids killed her cat. If they don't get her 10 grand, then she will kill them.

10. The Beard of Abraham Lincoln

There's no way to explain that.

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