Saturday, March 18, 2017

Dr. Hounchell's Theory of Life and Everything: Quantum Mechanics

Today's topic? It is above... So read it.

Why do I Dr. (NOT A REAL DOCTOR) Hounchell think Quantum Mechanics exist? Well, as you know they are they study of tiny little quantum things. Like quarks, gluons, neutrinos, Gambino's, basically all the -inos. But why is it here?

Clearly since it is about how we have no idea how it works or why. As Einstein was once quoted as saying, "Someone who says they know everything about ______ knows nothing." I think then that it is because Quantum Mechanics is actually a cover up for magic. The commoner may not understand it, but grand time wizards like Einstein do.

He was GERMAN!! That is the country where like every other fairy tale takes place. And his last words were never understood, because​ the attending physician didn't speak German. How did she even know it was German? Clearly it was a spell.

I'm rambling. But you get the drill.

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