Thursday, January 19, 2017

Top 10 Movies of All Time (As Told by Me)

1. Deadpool.
Deadpool encompasses everything that should be loved about a movie. Fun characters. Fun dialogue. Action. Vaguely defined setting. Profanity. And a handsome vengeful protagonist, who isn't a superhero.

2. The Fox and the Hound.
This movie has it all. Animated animals. Songs. And it has murder, friendship, and forgiveness. What more could you want?

3. Zootopia.
See the above reasoning. Also it has Jason Bateman playing a fox. He's playing himself.

4. The Time Travelers Wife.
It is a movie with time travel and love. It involves the betrayal of the main character by a past version of himself. And it is sweet and heart felt.

5. Coherence
It is a movie without a real script that was mostly improvised. It cost almost nothing to make and it it is about alternative universe.

6. Push
Admittedly, Push wasn't good in the traditional movie sense, but it allowed for an insane amount of fun. It was about a telekinetic guy, played by Chris Evans.

7. Back to the Future
It is about time travel and it has rock and roll, it couldn't be better.

8. Schindler's List
It is sad, but it is beautiful and historical. No time travel, animated animals, or fun.

9. Eraser Head:
It is werid. That is all I can saw, and that is hard enough.

10. There can never be a tenth bullet. The tenth bullet implies that the list can ever be complete, but more movies exist on a regular basis, and who know what will go in this place. Anything.

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