Tuesday, January 3, 2017

4 Redonk Things People Say

1. Blank will kill you, so I don't do it.
The reason that I don't like this sentence, is because it can be applied to almost anything. Even having this laptop on my lap.

2. My baby has a personality.
I know that this could be true, but I feel like every single person in the entire world says this, and I think it has something to do with parenting in general.

3. I believe in ghosts, but cannot grasp the concept of aliens.

Fundamentally, the idea of ghosts proves that there is an after life. This means that it takes a lot of effort to believe that it exists. Yet, and ever expanding universe having life in it beyond us is crrrrrrrrazy.

4. I will destroy the earth with my iron fist!

The thing is, iron will not destroy the earth.

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