Friday, January 27, 2017

10 Best Fruits in the Universe.

1. Apple.
Apples go in pie and they look like little fruit grenades. They also make a dang fine cider.

2. Banana.
Bananas go into muffins and they look like guns. Muffins and guns. Guffins.

3. Pomegranate.
Natures pocket of little bubbles. When you eat it, it makes you look like a vampire, but you are just eating a fruit.

4. Mango.
I don't know what it is about mangoes, but they are delicious. They also are spelled like tango.

5. Orange.
Anything flavored orange cannot be bad. Maybe even paint.

6. Strawberry.
If I was in a court trying to defend strawberry as a fruit, I probably wouldn't have to try especially hard. I could just say, "Do I need a defense."

7. Blueberry.
It is blue, what can I say.

8. Black Berries
You can pull them off of a bush and eat them while you are watching a football game through your neighbors window, so that is pretty cool.

9. Cashew.
Did you know that cashews come from a fruit?

10. Avocado
The bacon of the fruit world. :)

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