Friday, December 23, 2016

Dr. Hounchell's Theory of Life and Everything: Snow

Snow is an interesting idea.

Sit back and think about how it is water. A yard full of snow is like a small pound, or like quicksand, or even mud. It loses almost none of its dangerous aspects, as snow can still crush you. Snow can also be used as a projectile weapon, but what can't right?

Why would we let children play in snow? We don't usually let children, or dogs, or the elderly just frolic in a random pond, so why snow? What makes snow so weakened in our psyche.

Honestly, it makes sense. I think it fundamentally alters our ability to perceive. We have all of these different names for water. Ice, sleet, snow, water, hail, H20, just for the sake of differentiating. Except, snow is a soft form of water while retaining a solid state. It keys in on our wild inhibitions.

In this sense snow is not unlike a water balloon within itself. Snow is like a bunny. It is cute, but if you have a whole lot of bunnies falling from the sky, you are terrified, especially if you can't see because all of those bunnies. At least you can't drown in bunnies.

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