Saturday, September 17, 2016

Dr. Hounchell's Theory of Everything: Drive Through

The concept of a drive-thru doesn't make sense to me. Really it is more of a drive up, or a stop and grab.

Imagine it, the McDonald's Stop n' Grab. Regardless, for the most part, I feel like I sit in my car longer than I would if I had been standing in line.

That raises the question though of whether a drive-thru exists as a time convenience or as a sitting convenience.

If it is indeed a time issue, a place like McDonald's could easily get away with a hyper line. Some sort of system where you hand over an exact amount of money and take prebagged items like big macs and fries or nuggets. It makes 100% more sense to me.

If it has to do with wanting to continue to sit, I won't stand for that.

Yes, this entire blog was made around that joke. You are welcome.

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