Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Dr. Hounchell's Theory of Everything: What if I were a Tree

I had this thought today. An interesting though, I would say. I understand that different people have different preferences and different tastes, on pretty much everything. I know that to some degree that these are shaped by our individual experiences. I had a different idea though about how we gain particular attributes. such as my affinity for writing or Michael Jordan's affinity for being in Space Jam.

Reality exists as it does because matter cannot be created nor destroyed. This means that in theory and in practice, we are all preexisting molecules that have come together from previous aspects of reality to form an entirely new being. Which means that in theory, any number of the molecules that make up my body could have actually come from any given book. That means that any person's preference could come from an atom that they got their being, or partial parts of it from.

Gotcha with science.

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