Thursday, June 16, 2016


If you have an idea for a new invention, then I have a new invention idea just for you. Imagine if you will something very very eerily simple. GLOW IN THE DARK POST IT NOTES!!!!! Why is this a good idea?

ONE: They glow in the dark. That's all you really need to know.

Why is this anything of importance? How will you market it?

My concept of the idea is built specifically around putting them on the wall where a bed is. Typically a bed touches a wall on one side or at the top. This way people, don't have to turn on their lights, and wake completely up, so that they can write on a thing. Waking completely up doesn't help people sleep.

But? You say but? You think people will write on the wall?

No fret, special paper, special ink that only appears on paper. Boom! You can write your midnight inventions down, in the dark.

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