Sunday, June 26, 2016

Eight original sentences

1. The soup of the day is dirt, because there's no water here.

2. Titanium alloy bike frames, it's what's for dinner.

3.  One rubber duck said to a stick of glue, "Man, I really wish this was a sitcom."

4. So I says to 'em, ya got any doors to this here tent, cuz I see a lota knob heads.

5. If you look really closely at the sun, you'll see a future where you are blind.

6. On the eighth day, God took a nap, because they had to be invented, and there were so few theme parks.

7. On the ninth, God decided to build Walt Disney, so that there would be more theme parks, because God wanted to overpay for regular cups of soda.

8. Imagine for a second what it would be like for a second to pass.

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