Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Pinball is Life

A pinball machine is a lot like life
It gets to know a select group of few
Slowly it betters them and learns of their strife
A pinball machine can be broken like you
As such, it take a lot of matainence
But even so a pinball machine stands tall
Sometimes it takes coins, others it doesn't make sense
Like a good friend it is proper against a wall
Though immobile you can see it anywhere
It can be boring and sometimes unfair
Though like anything you know someone cares
A pinball machine can exist on its own
But it would rather be with someone known
Maybe some are less cool
But each plays by the same rules
When you struggles to reach greater heights
Attempting to stand out of the glare of the light
Even a pinball machine that lies in the desert
Or in the the Heart of a Blizzard
Each of them had their own pinball wizard.

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