Thursday, January 7, 2016

My brain is Rubber. Yours is Glue! Writing exercise!

       You know how you have an idea for a story? Ninjas in space with magic lizards made of diamonds? In the future? Well, your first idea is always the worst idea, and you need practice! Instead, you should do the exact opposite of what you were going to do. That's up to your discretion, but write if it took place in a weird opposite day world. It's good muscle builder.
      So instead, I'm going to write a story about pirates from the center of the earth with mecha fish made of cheese. Cheese is the opposite of diamonds. In the past.
      Cheese is the opposite of diamonds, because you can get cheese for cheap, and it is soft, and it tastes good, and it wouldn't look especially good on a ring, and and no one would be impressed if you had a two caret block of cheese.


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