Friday, December 25, 2015

A deal with Satan/Santa.

S. Once you had had the woman pegged as the Devil, but then as you looked up, you realized what you had thought was red skin was actually a red suit. What you had thought was the point of horns was actually a red cap with a fuzzy ball on the end. How had you been so wrong? It was almost as if some unknown force had pushed you to deduce that the woman in front of you was the Devil, when she was in face Santa Claus.
            “So, do you want the contract?” Santa asked you. “It is a good opurtunity.” You pricked your finger with the pin and signed the contract. You had just made a deal with jolly Saint Nick.
            Then approximately 30 days later, you found yourself on a stage, getting ready to sing a version of Jingle Bells. Santa had you practice this version of the song every night since you signed the contract.
            “Welcome to Santos Mall! I’m one of Santa’s elves and I will be performing Jingle Bells in the language of Christmas!” You opened your mouth and everyone began to cheer. Everything was looking perfect and you had the feeling that you were about to gain a new notch in your CD. Figuratively, because a new notch in your physical CD would make it so it didn’t work. “Longa sals. Longa sals. Longa la de ra! Vo want sa ez tor law…” You started to realize that everyone was staring up at you. They were hypnotized by your incredible singing. You continued you to sing, and the people chanted along with you, until you realized that they were actually hypnotized.
            Santa appeared with a laugh. “Ho! Ho! Ho! Now, stand up and rise against the greddy children of this world and kill them all!” Santa yelled.
            “What are you doing?” You asked. “You are supposed to be a good guy.”

            “I’m a eliminating the evil of the world, what else could be more good.” The people of the mall pulled out candy cane guns and marched into the world. Now, you kind of wished you had made a personal deal with the Devil.

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