Saturday, October 21, 2017

Top 10 Cliques in High School

1. The Guy Who Talks About Anime WAY too Much

This is always a guy or girl that has a one syllable name and says things like, "This is just like that one time in Naruto." They are most certainly a know-it-all.

2. The Tall Girl

The tall girl can be one of two archetypes. She can be shy in nature and use her tallness to isolate herself from everyone. Or she uses it to get above everyone else and be great. Either way, she plays basketball or softball or volleyball. Probably all three.

3. The Dude with the Two Short Shorts

This guy is often already sort of a social outcast, but he also wears gym shorts (in gym) that are a bit two short and show off his leg discoloration.

4. The Reader

The reader is often found inside of a book ignoring everyone in existence.

5. Farmer

They are the ones with hands caked in dirt, and you probably wouldn't want to eat a cake they baked.

6. Jocks

You know about them. Or at least that's what they assume.

7. Warriors

These are the people who were once bullied and now they fight to stop people from being bullied.

8. That Gun Freak

This is the person who likes knives or guns a bit too much. Sometimes they are also the person who likes anime too much.

9. The Pretty One

The Pretty One is the boy and or girl that is the most physically attractive. Sometimes they have a complex where they think they are ugly and sometimes they think that they are hot stuff. It just depends.

10. Floaters

Floaters are the people who can't sit with traditional cliques or non-traditional at lunch, so they either hover around or they sit with themselves.

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