Thursday, January 26, 2017

Dr. Hounchell's Theory of Life and Everything: Advertisement

Today's topic: Advertisement

Ads are strange, very much so actually. Let's take a moment though to think about why.

Ads are weird because they target you specifically. Do you know what else targets you? Guns. People with guns. Alien planets with death rays in the sky. 

Take a minute to think about the kinds of ads that target you too. They are almost all for products rather than for services. And almost none of the ads are for food. They are all for a type of shirt or a cell phone or a video game. Why though?

Is it because people are greedy for money? Is it because pterodactyls will fly from another dimension to steal all of the mustard from your fridge. Maybe. But what if it is even more sinister than that. What if there is a limited amount of creativity to go around and with ad revenue some people cannot go on creating content like an awesome blog or an awesome twitter, or you know awesome books. 

What I am trying to tell you is that you go played. This entire piece was an advertisement for my absurdist masterpiece.

That's a link to it. 

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