Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Mayo of Burgah Tahown Reboot Remix Redux

I am thee Mayo of Burgah Tahown
Step in my office if you please
Care to ketchup? With an old pale
I may be a moldy onion
But you only think that cause your a funion
You mustaherd
That I plan to give up the goat
In a couple days, I'm not this towns mayo
No, I'll be off singing carrot oakey
With my sage friend Parsely
I've done all that I can
Turned this place from a five to a tin
Helped garlic buy new kicks
Watched he hotdogs in the park
I was everything I should've bean
And a little bit more lean and green
But this Mayo's got places to go
Places to bee
I hope you understand kid
I'm leaving everything in your chicken fingers
All the smiles that still lined
I'm not longer the Mayo of this Tahown
But that doesn't mean that you should frown

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