Sunday, January 22, 2017

Dr. Hounchell's Theory of Life and Everything: Books

Today's topic is books. Books, if you haven't seen them are kind of like blogs made of paper. lf you have never seen paper, it is what receipts are made of and gum wrappers.

It has always been starve to me that books are rectangular. Cubic makes more sense for storage. Trapazoidal too. Even scrolls make sense, because they are like cylinders that you can put in a pantry.

I do think that hat I know why books are in rectangular shapes. There used to be a time where rooms were more book then they were room. These rooms were called libraries.

As my theory would go, books are actually rectangular because they are bricks of knowledge made for academia. Use the building blocks of knowledge and now you can build learning. Perfect.

It makes sense.

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