The rabbit zigzagged through the maze. We smashed into a clearing between the corn, and I could see the sore in the ground that the rabbit had come from. My last act of desperation was to dive for the little rabbit, but he had the same idea. My hands wrapped around him, and I felt my adrenaline surge through my chest. Our hearts were moving at the same pace as I slammed into the rabbit hole. The sore in the ground cracked around the edges as I fell through the ground an impossible distance. I landed shoulder first at the bottom of thirty foot high rabbit cave. The hole above was like a skylight out of my reach.
I rolled, trying not to feel my shoulder ache, while making sure I hadn’t crushed the rabbit to death. Luckily, the rabbit was still kicking, which meant I wasn’t alone at the very least, I pulled the wedge out of his mouth and let him go. Rather than run away, he just sat there and watched as I unfolded the pieces of notebook paper. It was four pieces of numbered paper. On first page the title was written in bold letters, The Magic Rabbit. According to the byline, someone name Jen wrote the story.
“Why would you have this?” I asked the bunny. His little nose twitched, and he scratched one of his ears with his huge back foot. “Hmm.” Even with the minimal light, I was able to ascertain that the story was about a magic rabbit, but nothing substantial happened in the story, and as far as I could tell it ended mid-sentence with the word ‘twisted’. On top of that, it was covered in tiny splotches of moldy grease. “What is this?” I asked again, but obviously the rabbit didn’t talk back. Rabbits couldn’t talk, but the more I thought that, the more I thought back to the book laying in my room. Could this be the fabled rabbit from Alice in Wonderland?
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