Wednesday, June 29, 2016

30 Cool Band Names

1. Bloody Unicorn Meat
2. Psycho Anal Eyes
3. C- Team
4. Ecelectrcity
5. The Bearded Nuns
6. Circle of Jerks
7.Andrew's Posey
8. Handful of Severed Fingers
9. Buttered Biscuit
10. Al and the Ladies
11. Hole Lot of Character
12. C-Day
13. Illusion of Music
14. Deliberate Illiterate
15. Draft Trunk
16. Count Counter Strike
17. The What
18. So Last Decade
19. Water Wetter
20. Smell of the T-Red
21. ReDeady
22. Stitch of the Dead
23. Screen
24. S.U.L.T.
25. MisinterpreNation
26. Smelly Belly
27. Dead End Zone
28. Seven:.The Strange One
30. Question Marks the Spot

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