Monday, September 17, 2018

Refresh my Soul: A Poem

I haven't seen you
Standing by my window
Stealing my breath
And staring, with fire
Dueling with your shady desire

You want to fight
A child noless
You want to scream

but I'll rip my flesh
Across your jagged teeth
I'll scrape my knunkles
On your jagged frame

You think you know me?
You think you can win
But what if I'm more than you recall
What if I've change since the side walk's end

Try to understand my sight
The flames I see
Caressing the edge of my vision
My futility.

I'll run my mouth
Fly into the sun
Shoot off like a rocket
Ained at the sun.

Poetic Movie Review of The Proposal

 There are three types of RomComs There's the ones that are corny The kind that are raunch and porn-y Then there's ones filled with ...